Location: N7725 WI-28, Horicon, WI 53032

Distance: 2.3 miles

GPS Coordinates: 43.47895, -88.590888 / 43° 28' 44.222" N, 88° 35' 27.2" W

Fee: Free

Pets: Dogs allowed on a leash

Operating Hours: 5:00am to 10:00pm year round

Amenities: Parking lot, Visitor center, restrooms, wildlife watching blind

Cool Features: Trail covers wetlands, woodlands, and grasslands. Surrounds Bachhuber


Nearest Town: Horicon


  • From Waupun: Go 7 miles east on State Highway 49 and 3.5 miles south on County Road Z.

  • From Milwaukee: Take 41 north to the Brownsville exit, go west on Highway 49 and 3.5 miles south on County Road Z.

  • From Madison: Take 151 north to Highway 49, go east to County Road Z, go south 3.5 miles.

  • From Fond du Lac: Take 151 south to Highway 49, go east to County Z, go south 3.5 miles.